by Dr. John Patterson, 皇冠体育官网 Head of School

As a Christian community, 我们有责任尽我们所能“教养孩童,使他走当行的道”(箴言22:9)。. 这需要多方面的教育经验,包括学术卓越和圣经的世界观. 如果我们要为学生提供影响他们的社区和坚定信仰的最佳机会,这两者都不能是排他性的. A Christ-centered, 优秀的学术基础是为学生的未来做好准备的最好方式.


When graduates step into secular or private universities or colleges, a battle for their heart will take place. Thus, 他们需要学术上的天赋来参与大学课程并取得成功, while also having a firm foundation of faith. This can only be realized when, from a young age, 学生们每天都被敬虔的导师所包围,他们不仅帮助他们建立所需的强大学术技能, but also their foundation of faith.

皇冠体育官网 students are not only well-prepared to take on academic challenges, they also have a foundation of faith to help them make good choices, serve others in godly love, and sustain them when they face challenges. 他们明白,在这个世界上唯一能带来真正满足的东西, peace, and forgiveness is a relationship with Jesus Christ. 因此,他们能够找到目标,意义,并自信地克服他们面临的任何挑战.

而大学校园里经常出现的世俗文化会引导年轻人为自己服务, 皇冠体育官网有意将重点放在培养学生的呼召和信仰之旅上. 我们希望我们的毕业生了解使用他们的学术技能和上帝赋予的能力来荣耀上帝的重要性.


世俗教育和基督教教育之间的紧张关系在于生命“训练”的概念.”  Like an athlete in training, 我们相信,在学生被派去面对世界之前,他们必须接受真理的训练. Ultimately,  当孩子们不能完全理解实际情况或他们在精神上所反对的是什么时,他们就不能成为一道光.

As stated in an April 3, 2017, article by Christian author Matt Walsh, “Our job as parents is to train them up in the way they should go, equip them with the armor of God, fortify them in the truth, and then release them to the world. Education is supposed to prepare a child to carry the torch of truth. But a flame must first be lit, stoked, 如果我们希望在这个文化中生存下去,我们就必须在熊熊烈火之前得到保护. 我们孩子的教育应该促进这个过程,而不是干扰它。我们的孩子应该因为他们的教育而成为基督的火焰.”

While both types of schools can provide academically strong foundations, 以基督为中心的学校提供了额外的一层,使学术基础更加丰富,与学生一生面临的挑战更加相关. 它为他们提供了所需的工具,不仅要有健全的头脑,还要有坚强的性格.


When coupled with a rigorous academic program, 在以基督为中心的学校,如皇冠体育官网中发现的圣经世界观使基督教学校独一无二, challenging, and world-changing. 圣经的世界观引导学生认识到世界上有绝对的真理. 这个真理激励学生成为敬虔的领袖,并以基督般的爱去爱别人.

圣经的世界观始于理解上帝创造了我们所有人,每个人都有不同的才能,所以我们可以荣耀他并为他人服务. 第二,当我们明白神按照他的形象创造我们时,我们接受我们是“堕落的人”.” However, 我们得着救赎,因为耶稣基督在髑髅地的十字架上为我们的罪付出了代价, and ultimately, we have hope and a purpose through the forgiveness we are offered.

With this understanding, students lead confidently, not because of what they have done, but because of who they are as God’s children and what He has done for them. This truth and focus is what motivates them to lead and change the world. Every academic subject, team, choir, performance, etc. 专注于这种圣经的世界观,以帮助学生了解他们是谁作为上帝的孩子, their calling, and how they can glorify God as godly leaders.


对于像皇冠体育官网这样提供福音派课程的学校,必须解决基督教“不宽容”的神话, Christian education. 虽然有些人会说基督教学校不容忍其他观点和宗教, this is simply not the case. True Christians aim to be at peace with others (Hebrews 12:14), build relationships with people regardless of creed, race, nationality, or sex (John 4:1–42; Luke 9:1–10), and are called to be humble, gentle, and Christ-like (Ephesians 4:2).

不宽容和宗教观点的不同是两个非常不同的概念. As Christians, we are called to love all people. 那些指责基督徒不宽容的人歪曲了宽容的真正含义. Rather than accepting all views as equally valid, 真正的宽容包括当我们不认同他人的价值观时,承认并尊重他们, beliefs, and practices.

While 皇冠体育官网 will teach our upper school students about competing worldviews, 我们毫不羞愧地向我们的学生指出一个绝对的真理——基督教的世界观和对耶稣基督的信仰. While the non-sectarian school will recognize many faiths and many gods, and make the claim that this exposure is healthy and global, 我们相信它是令人困惑的,不会产生为神的荣耀而皇冠体育官网的品格. 其结果是一种教育,使学生能够与不同观点和背景的人有效地合作,同时保持我们信仰的完整性和皇冠体育官网的使命.


Christian education cannot do it alone.  The concept of Kingdom education includes the Christian schoolhouse, the Christian family, and the local church partnering together. 我们可以把这些实体看作是一个三条腿的凳子,如果它有三条腿,就能站得又高又壮.  However, remove any leg, and the stool will fall. 基督教学校和当地基督教会与基督教家庭合作的力量是一个强大的组合,孕育了满足感, peace, and the very best possibility to change the world.

A Christ-centered, 以圣经世界观为基础的学术卓越教育为我们的年轻人提供了最好的基础. That place, in middle Georgia, is First Presbyterian Day School.


Dr. Patterson has been the Head of School at 皇冠体育官网 since June 2020. He is a servant leader who believes in leading by example, listening, and rallying a team to accomplish its mission. 他寻求加强以基督为中心的鼓励文化和强大的学术严谨性,这是皇冠体育官网的基础. Dr. 帕特森从事教育工作18年,与妻子辛迪结婚24年. The Patterson’s have a daughter, Gracie, who attends Samford University.